We work with and supply manufacturers and distributors of yellow goods - our development process ensures rapid turnaround times, optimal solutions and minimal disruption. If you work for a construction machinery supplier we’d love to here from you, contact us here.


3D Scan & Measure

DIGGER GUARD® Engineers can usually be on site within 48hrs to review your requirements then 3D scan and measure your machinery using the latest portable 3D scanning equipment.


Develop & Design

Using 3D scanned data and measurements taken on site (or client supplied CAD if available) our in-house design team can rapidly model Vandal Guard or Handrail Systems for your machinery.



Our design team work closely with technicians to ensure prototyping is rapid and design/process improvements can be implemented concurrently.


Test & Refine

The DIGGER GUARD® design team also try to attend all first-fit tests to pick up any tweaks that can be made to improve the design. This is part of our continuous improvement strategy: we also provide ongoing support and a proactive response to customer feedback, as well as carrying out our own periodic design reviews.


Manufacture & Install

Our manufacturing facilities are already set up for high volume production, so once the initial design has been tested and approved we can rapidly manufacture and supply Vandal Guard and/or Polymer Handrail systems. Our experienced installation team can come to your site to ensure a seamless process from start to finish.

Do you work for a construction machinery supplier? We’d love to speak to you to discuss implementing our innovative solutions on your machines - please get in touch using the details here.